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On this page you'll find posts about quick tasty recipes and nutritional facts about food. Simple with none of the waffle unless it's a real waffle, then we may have a recipe for that...

Dirty Dozen 2019 List

The Dirty Dozen List is the 12 foods that contain the most pesticides. Get around this by washing produce before eating them and buying organic.

1. Strawberries

2. Spinach

3. Kale

4. Nectarines

5. Apples

6. Grapes

7. Peaches

8. Cherries

9. Pears

10. Tomatoes

11. Cherries

12. Potatoes

1. Avocados

5. Onions

9. Kiwis

13. Broccoli

2. Sweetcorn

6. Papayas

10. Cabbages

14. Mushrooms

3. Pineapples

7. Eggplants

11. Cauliflower

4. Sweet Pea Frozen

8. Asparagus

12. Cantaloupes

15. Honeydew Melons

Clean 15 2019 List

This year's list of 15 foods that have the least amount of pesticides on them.

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