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Where's my coffee?!

You wake up. You shower. Brush your teeth. Change your clothes. You go to the kitchen and reach for the coffee. But have you ever looked at your cup of coffee and wondered what the pros and cons are of drinking it and what's so special about organic coffee? Keep reading and you'll find out.

Coffee Positives

  • Can reduce the risks of liver disease

  • Can possibly help to relieve that dreaded post-workout muscle pain

  • Contains important nutrients such as potassium, magnesium and niacin

  • Could lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes

  • Loaded with antioxidants

  • Coffee contains caffeine which is a stimulant that improves our energy levels

  • Can be made into a face mask, scrub, hair mask to brighten and depuff your skin and enhance your hairs shine

Coffee Negatives

  • According to a few studies, too much coffee consumption during pregnancy can be harmful.

  • Coffee can hinder the absorption of minerals such as iron

  • Can cause insomnia and restlessness

  • Can cause stomach upset and nausea

  • Can increase your heart and breathing rate

  • Do not consume coffee in excessive amounts. Remember, moderation is key.

Organic Coffee

If you buy coffee make sure it's organic. Why? Organic coffee means they have no been sprayed and grown with the assistance of synthetic fertilisers or chemicals which have an bad effect on the coffee taste, also it doesn't hurt the coffee bean farmers who are exposed to dangerously high levels of chemicals. Support organic coffee bean farmers to help theirs and your health, elevate your coffee standards and help the planet too.

The pros and cons impact everyone differently as our bodies and lifestyles are not the same. So the outcome will always be different. Also there are some claims out there about the pros of drinking coffee such as it being able to prevent Alzheimers, boosts your metabolism, helps you to live longer, protects against Parkinson's etc. As much as we all would love these claims to be true making this world a better place, unfortunately the studies that have been conducted focusing on these claims are either inconclusive or there is simply not enough data to fully support them.

Featured image credit: Brigitte Tohm, Nathan Dumlao
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