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  • Writer's pictureThe Finder

Take a break!

With societal and work pressures we can be unforgiving about our own needs. We’ve tricked ourselves to accept the attitude that we don’t deserve a full rest and as a result we over-push ourselves as if we’ve got something to prove daily. Before we know it, we’re at our breaking point wondering how we got here.

It’s been a long time coming but finally Mental Health is gaining more awareness and traction and it is becoming clear to all that is it important we do all that we can for our mental well being. I want to make this clear that mental health problems do not discriminate - it affects men and women. It’s time to invest time and effort to care for your mental health. This reminder is long overdue but is needed: if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will. Go for a walk, be around nature, meditate, take a pottery class, paint something, read a book - do whatever will give you peace in this hectic life.

Do you feel like your to-do list is longer than your arm? Are you surrounded by or maybe are you someone who is always bustling from point A to B? Do you never slow down? Are you always on the go? Do you wake up, work, eat, sleep and repeat? Does this sound familiar to you? You need to press pause on the need to rush around and take a moment to de-stress.

You are responsible for your own well being. Take back control and simply do what you need to do for yourself.

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